Melanie Flood Nutrition
After struggling with low energy and anxiety that was ultimately related to an autoimmune hormonal imbalance and anaemia, Melanie started to turn her life around using diet and lifestyle. However, it wasn't until Melanie started to do a deep dive into the root causes of her symptoms using genetic and functional testing that she was able to fine tune her diet, supplements & lifestyle medicine and really lead the life that she wanted, full of vibrancy, strength and energy. Melanie is now a successful registered Nutritionist with a specialism in using your genetic code to personalise your health.
Melanie Flood, Nutritional Therapist & Genetic Nutritionist.
My Story
Whilst working as a careers coach within the legal sector helping people to achieve their careers ambitions, I was lucky enough to have my three children in quick succession. However, this left me feeling tired, anaemic and deflated with very little support from the medical profession. I was prescribed iron tablets and told to get on with it. (I now know that taking iron tablets with a morning cup of coffee is not going to impact energy levels and one of the reasons my iron levels never improved!)
Juggling three young children, my career and managing a household took its toll. I became anxious, suffered from gut issues and felt like I was going mad. I was scared of leaving my house in case a bout of anxiety reared its ugly head or I could not find a toilet for my fluctuating bowel movements. I was prescribed anti-depressants and another drug to regulate my bowel without any investigation into the root cause of my issues. Due to my persistence, I eventually had further investigations and a diagnosis of Graves Disease, an autoimmune thyroid condition. I now know that my perceived 'madness' was a disconnect between my hormones, mind, gut and what I was feeding myself.
Through my journey of food experimentation and researching diet and lifestyle medicine I retrained as a Nutritional Therapist, achieving a distinction in my qualification from the world renowned College of Naturopathic Medicine. I am a qualified health coach and use this methodology with my clients to achieve success whilst educating them with nutritional science. Working as a Nutritional Therapist led me to further training and in 2022, I qualified as a nutrigenomics practitioner enabling me to work with a client’s unique genetic code to personalise their diet and lifestyle protocols. I work with Lifecode Gx - leaders in this field. Find out more here.
Getting to the root cause of my genetic code alongside other functional tests allowed me to really personalise my diet, lifestyle and supplement protocol. With this fine tuning I finally felt vibrant, healthy and energised. I began to truly manage my autoimmune condition and balance my hormones through my diet and lifestyle and lead my best life.
Let me share my knowledge and expertise to help you live yours.
I am passionate about supporting your health so that you feel motivated to jump out of bed in the mornings and keep that vibrancy going all day to lead a balanced life that enables you to achieve your potential. Having used gut, hormonal and genetic testing on myself and many clients to ensure that I support all hormonal pathways, genetic dispositions and gut microbiota in a personalised and positive manner, where appropriate, I encourage clients to look at testing to achieve results in a targeted and more personalised fashion.
Full disclosure - I am a realist. I love chocolate and am a nut butter obsessive. My protocols are not based on quick fix diets or deprivation. They are long term strategies that embrace enjoying the delicious foods of the world alongside finding balance through lifestyle medicine.
Protein Balls for Healthy Snacks
My Approach
I am passionate about supporting women’s health so that you can feel motivated, empowered and vibrant in achieving your potential. I treat each client as an individual, prescribing personalised nutrition and lifestyle medicine. I work with clients from a 4 month to 12 month basis to ensure success, compliance and motivation.
My dietary recommendations are always client led and realistic. I support clients on an ongoing basis to ensure results are achieved quickly so you can lead your best life sooner rather than later.
Lifestyle Medicine
Nutritional Therapy extends far beyond what you eat. Supporting sleep cycles, stress management, dialling down on toxins and bringing movement into daily life will bring as much benefit as nutrition. My recommendations are personalised to each individual and their goals.
Qualifications, Memberships & Affiliations
Diploma in Nutritional Therapy, The College of Naturopathic Nutrition - Distinction
Lifecode Gx Practitioner Training (Genetic Testing)
Health Coaching, Zest
Career & Life Coaching, BPP University
Bachelor of Science degree, Southampton University
Memberships: ANP, GNC, BANT, CNHC
Other CPD includes: BANT Menopause Conference, IHCAN Nutrition for Brain Health, Practitioner training in Nutrition for skin, mental health, thyroid (Biocare), New Roots Herbal menopause training, Nutri Advanced 6 week gut transformation programme, Nutri Advanced 6 week perimenopause programme, Menopause Mastery practitioner training (Charlotte Hunter), Blood labs (Kate Knowler)